Visiting Nouakchott, the worst capital in the world

By Joan Torres 25 Comments Last updated on March 21, 2025

visiting Nouakchott

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Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania, may be one of the least favorite capitals among African overlanders, and I include myself in this group, because I also don’t like Nouakchott.

In fact, I think that it really sucks and, from a tourism perspective, it’s a city with very little to highlight.

Nevertheless, if you are an avid reader of this blog, you will know that, when I travel to unappealing destinations, I always strive to find the one reason that makes a certain place unique, or makes visiting it worth the shot at least.

Today, I wanted to tell you why I personally believe Nouakchott can be a pretty boring city to visit while also highlighting all the good things about it.

Don’t forget to check my Mauritania travel guide with all tips and information

Camels at the camel market of Nouakchott
Camels at the camel market of Nouakchott

Nouakchott, the new capital of Mauritania

Nouakchott is a relatively new African city.

Until the middle of the 20th century, most Mauritanians were still nomadic, living spread out in the desert, and Nouakchott was nothing but a small, fortified fishing village home to a few thousand people.

It was shortly before independence, in 1960, when Mauritanians had to choose a capital for their brand-new country, that they chose Nouakchott because it was right between Saint-Louis, the colonial city from where Mauritania was ruled, and Nouadhibou, the economical center.

Apparently, according to Wikipedia, Nouakchott was also choosen as the capital because it wasn’t predominantly dominated by any of the main ethnic groups, Arab-descended Moors or sub-Saharan Africans.

Check the cultural section of my Mauritania travel guide for more information about this.

After independence, many Mauritanians quit their nomadic lifestyle, moved to their new capital, and Nouakchott grew exponentially.

Today, Nouakchott accommodates more than 1 million people.

Why Nouakchott sucks

My arrival in Nouakchott could not have been more unfortunate.

After a long flight with layover included, the local authorities confiscated my drone with the excuse I didn’t have the required authorization which, according to them, I could easily get through the Ministry of Aviation in Nouakchott.

I looked forward to flying my drone over the sand dunes and the oasis of Terjit so, before beginning my route around Mauritania, I spent the following days trying to get the supposedly needed permit.

For that, I counted on help from a local working in tourism, a foreigner also working in tourism, and even staff from the Spanish Embassy, but nothing; it was impossible and all I achieved was wasting 6 precious days in a city I didn’t like.

After finishing my tour, which ended up riding onboard a cargo train across the Sahara, I went back to Nouakchott, where I had to wait for 3 days before getting my visa for Mali, and 2 more additional days to take the PCR test and get results, so 11 days in total, during half of which a sandstorm was hitting most of the country, preventing anyone from being outdoors.

Walking around Nouakchott during the sandstorm

After all those days, my conclusion was that Nouakchott doesn’t have much to offer.

On the one hand, it’s always so hot (and I was there in winter), and there’s sand and dust absolutely everywhere, no wonder most locals always cover their entire faces with a traditional sheesh, or turban, which I always did as well.

On several occasions, I actually attempted to work from the garden of Le Village & Auberge Triskell (great hostel, by the way), but my laptop always ended up covered in dust and even today, some of its keys still rustle when I type.

On the other hand, other than Port de Pêche, I felt there weren’t any remarkable sites to visit. Architecturally speaking, Nouakchott lacks historical architecture, and its only landmark is the Grand Mosquée of Nouakchott, which is nothing more than a normal large mosque.

Nouakchott average street

Moreover, there are no bars (and no alcohol), no good restaurants, or even cafés with decent Wi-Fi from where to work.

Even Riyadh in Saudi Arabia can be more fun.

It’s the African capital with the highest rate of abandonment among Western expats – an English teacher told me, and one can understand why, since their understanding of social life differs greatly from ours.

Strolling down the streets wasn’t very pleasant either. They were filled with trash – even in fancier areas – and piles of sand, loads of actual Sahara sand. In fact, Nouakchott must be the only capital in which I have seen actual Sahara dunes in the city center.

Before even traveling to Mauritania, I had already been told not to spend much time in Nouakchott and, after my 11-day visit, I can understand why all the warnings.

Nevertheless, this is just one side of the story, the most visible one, and intrepid travelers may be able to enjoy the hidden Mauritania, which not many tourists know about.

Good things about (and to do) Nouakchott


Nouakchott is one of the few worldwide capitals where it is so easy to connect with the locals. Whether through Instagram or Couchsurfing, my 11-day stay turned out to be a great one because I met a lot of people who invited me to family gatherings, lunch, dinner, or just to hang out at their place. I was even invited to a wedding but, unfortunately, I couldn’t make it because it took place the day I rode the Iron Ore Train.

Moreover, generally speaking, local chance interactions are also great. Once, a man randomly stopped his car next to me and insisted on taking me wherever I was going to and I gladly accepted, of course. The people working in restaurants, cafés and any shop were also lovely, and helpful.

With a local friend at his house

I have had similar experiences traveling in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, but so far, never in Africa.

Everybody is pretty friendly

The most traditional capital ever

As you know, up to 1960, Mauritania was a predominantly nomadic society and still today, Mauritania is a country with very little Western influence, and even the young generation like to always dress in their traditional clothes and spend their weeks in a traditional haima in the desert.

In most developing countries, one tends to see a huge contrast between the capital and smaller, rural towns but not in Nouakchott, where most people still have a tribal mindset (in the good sense of the word), a Mauritanian told me.

At the local market

The largest variety of African food

Something that characterizes Mauritania is that it is ethnically mixed, with people from the Maghreb and several sub-Saharan countries, meeting altogether in Nouakchott so, while Nouakchott lacks good gourmet restaurants, it has the largest offering of African cuisine, from Ivory Coast to Senegal, Mali and Nigeria.

For someone like me, who hasn’t discovered much of this region (yet), this is something worth highlighting.

No traffic, no chaos

In Nouakchott, you find dust and sand but, unlike other African capitals, life is pretty slow here and it’s not particularly chaotic, perhaps not as peaceful as Asmara in Eritrea, but definitely, the most chilled city I have ever visited in sub-Saharan Africa.

The camel market

Located just outside Nouakchott and far less visited than Port de Pêche, this is one of the greatest camel markets I have seen – and I have seen quite a few – because nowhere else I haver seen so many camels in such a tiny area, not even in Hargeisa (Somaliland), Saudi Arabia or Sudan.

travel to Nouakchott
Camel market Nouakchott

Port de Pêche

The tourist’s favorite and the most visited attraction in Nouakchott is the Port de Pêche, aka harbor and fish market, which is supposed to be one of the liveliest harbors in West Africa.

Every day, between 2 and 5pm, hundreds of boats come to shore loaded with tons of fish which will be later sold to the adjacent market, and it’s a pretty cool event to witness.

places to visit in Nouakchott
Port de Pêche

More information for visiting Mauritania

📢 In my Travel Resources Page you can find the list of all the sites and services I use to book hotels, tours, travel insurance and more.

All guides and articles for traveling in Mauritania destination

Nouakchott may not have the glamour of other African cities but each destination is unique in its own way. While I don’t recommend spending many days in Nouakchott, I believe that sparing 1 or 2 days of your trip to Mauritania to visit Nouakchott is worth the effort.

Check more city guides


Whilst I’d agree it’s not the most exciting of places, the fact that the people are nice is enough to keep it well away from any title of worst city. For me Dakar was far worse and I love West Africa, I’m in Ivory Coast at the moment. The relentless hassle, rip offs and greed made it the only place in the world I’d never go back to. A slightly dull Nouakchott with its nice people is infinitely more preferable

Have done that drive in 2018. Tents come in all sizes , shapes and what not. I like my tent cot because I like sleeping off the floor. Mine is a KAMP-RITE. single. You can also get it in a doble. Also use a canopy type with side walls for day time. When in Nouakchott ….look up IDOUMOU A. He can assist with anything.

Nice article. Nouuakchott is a unique experience. I have stayed there a few nights and crossed its desert top to bottom. There is a good Lebanese restaurant there with a great host. Not a Country for beginners. But a must for adventurers. And not comparable to DAKAR. (Apples & Oranges)

Hi !
I would like to go with my Drone to Mauritania. What is the process for the drone not be confiscated at the airport?

Hello, the entry of a drone in Mauritania (as in Morocco and many countries) is prohibited. If you want to enter a drone legally, you must take some steps with civil aviation and some government agencies. For this, it is advisable to get closer to an agency of tourism professionals.

Hi Joan,
Planning to drive in March with car from the Nort of France to Gambia. What kind of tent do you need to sleep outside in Africa? Have experience with tents? What brands? Materials? Specific types of tents?

Have done that drive in 2018. Tents come in all sizes , shapes and what not. I like my tent cot because I like sleeping off the floor. Mine is a KAMP-RITE. single. You can also get it in a doble. Also use a canopy type with side walls for day time. When in Nouakchott ….look up IDOUMOU A. He can assist with anything.

Hey Joan,

I’m sorry you had so bad experience at the border but your judgements about Nouakchott seem a bit unfair. I think the city reflects (unlike other African capitals that just try to copy western life style) mauritanian values and generosity in a positive way. You even find good food, restaurants and so on. And as you say… Even in a big city it’s quite simple to find contact to locals and you seem to be invited by them every now and then.

Hi Joan, thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge. I am planning to bring in a Mavic drone during a visit that starts this weekend. What can I do to be able to use it?

I’m here now and all I can think is ‘why do I keep doing this to myself?’ After being passed around by 5 immigration officials last night for no reason, I walked around today and there is absolutely nothing. It reminds me of Kuwait. And I have just spent 5 weeks in Senegal and The Gambia (Gambia being the best of the bunch). Honestly, I don’t get West Africa at all. In my opinion, East Africa (especially Kenya) and Southern Africa are far far better and more interesting places. I cannot for the life of me understand why people are recommending cities like Dakar. I figured I would just take a quick look at Nouakchott, but clearly it’s going to be a very long 4 days. Any thoughts on Western Sahara…?

Interesting inside view, thanks a lot.
Just a small typo on the last picture legend, should be “Port de pêche” (not port dU pêche) 😉
Please keep traveling and sharing, I love your blogs.

Hello Joan, I hope you are well as well as your family, first of all, all my wishes for this new year, this little message to inform you that the Auberge TRISKELL page: https://www. is no longer active and has been replaced by: -triskell.html?lang=fr it is now also possible to book at a better price on thank you and see you soon in Nouakchott I hope! 🙂

I like weird places with nothing going on that most people dislike, and i really liked Nouakchott. Its like a combination of a small town and rubbish dump. There doesnt seem to be a rral towncenter either. Dont ask me why i find it appealing, i dont even know myself.
The locals were very friendly and respectful and it wasnt crazy chaotic like some other cities are. It was rather quiet.
I could see myself staying with a local or swap houses for 2 or 3 weeks and work remotely from Nouakchott.


I totally disagree with you!!!! You went too far with your explanation about Nouakchott, Nouakchott is a beautiful city and there are a lot of things to do for tourist. Nouakchott has beautiful beautiful beaches, and good customer services.

I’m here now, and I just ran across a group of tourists from against the compass! Super cool. Safe travels everyone, make the most out of every day, and remember to spread kindness

I kind of like those cities, bare but big enough to be called a city, enjoying the local life. I can see why an extended stay may not be for everyone, a few days perhaps just to take it in, thank you for the article.

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